CARM portal registration

How to register as an importer on the CARM Client Portal (CCP)

Throughout 2021 and 2022, the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) is unveiling Versions 1.0 and 2.0 of its CBSA Assessment and Revenue Management (CARM) initiative. CARM will completely transform how the CBSA manages commercial importations as well as how the agency will interact in the future with importers, customs brokers, trade consultants and other stakeholders such as transporters and customs warehouse operators. Recent changes (May 25th) saw the CBSA deploy its CARM Client Portal (CCP) as part of Version 1.0. Importers, customs brokers, and trade consultants are expected to setup their online CCP profiles and prepare themselves for Version 2.0 coming in Spring 2022.

In this 90-minute training, W2C will focus on how to register your business unto the CARM Client Portal (CCP) and will provide guidance to importers on the requirements to obtain access, selecting your Business Account Manager (BAM) and delegating access to your employees and to your customs broker W2C.

Our expert, Marc Ticehurst, who has over 27 years of experience in the Customs industry, will cover the following topics:

  • Understanding the initial functionalities of the CCP, under Version 1.0
  • What you will need before beginning your registration to the CCP
  • Accessing the CCP
  • Obtaining a GCKey
  • The role of the BAM
  • Other roles and responsibilities
  • Linking your businesses
  • Delegating Authority to employees and service providers (e.g., customs broker)
  • What to expect under Version 2.0 (Spring 2022)

Note: It is highly recommended to attend the Introduction to CARM training before participating in this training on How to register to the CCP.

Who are these trainings for?

Anyone involved in the Customs activities of your business, such as: logistics & transport agents, import-export analysts, accounting staff, sales and business development employees, department heads, and business owners.

Please note that W2C also offers personalized (customer-adapted) online Customs training, upon request. If you wish to receive an in-house training on CARM please contact our training department or your W2C representative.

Visit the W2C website regularly for additional training dates, other training events surrounding CARM as well as supplementary CARM resources which W2C will make available in coming weeks and months.

For more information call : 1.514.368.2637 x112