us customs brokerage

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    American customs brokerage

    American companies tend to purchase Canadian products that have already cleared customs and that are delivered directly to the warehouse. As the Canadian company importing these products, you assume full responsibility for clearing customs. To avoid any financial consequences, or ones that might limit your future exports, you must expertly manage the American customs clearance process.

    Your W2C customs broker makes sure that the American customs clearing processes are meticulously carried out, in accordance with the law. To this end, three steps are required:

    W2C plans your customs procedures

    Our customs experts team oversees the classification of your products and their eligibility under the The Canada-United States-Mexico Agreement (CUSMA), determines the customs duties, identifies the specific customs clearing requirements for your products, and provides the assistance necessary for the initial and easy implementation of a shipping and customs clearance procedure.

    W2C makes sure you clear customs in the United States

    Our team takes care of the customs brokerage process at the border and at the main entry points into the United States. Our service is fast, flexible and courteous, and our prices are competitive. In addition, you have 24-7 access to a supervisor with decision-making authority so that your shipment is not unnecessarily delayed due to technical or administrative reasons.

    W2C ensures customs follow-up

    Our customs consultants team sees to drawbacks of duties and taxes, makes representations to American customs authorities and helps you in the event of an audit.

    Simplify your business! Your W2C Montreal customs broker is the perfect partner to help you avoid unpleasant surprises.