New importers

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    New importers and non-residents

    Our customs consultants can assist you if you are starting a business that requires importing goods or if you are a non-resident importer who wants to handle the customs clearance of your goods in Canada.

    Whether it’s a question of importing simple products or more complex products that require special procedures, our consultants are there to guide you. They will be able to inform you about customs regulations and the importance of figuring out the correct HS code in the Canadian tariff.

    In addition, they will be able to direct you, if necessary, to the government agency issuing the required permits to import the goods into Canada. You will be able to avoid financial risks due to bad practices and import your products in full compliance.

    Consultation services offered by W2C

    Here are some of the services that our customs consultants offer:

    • Help in planning your import before making your purchase;
    • Establishing procedures for complex imports and exports;
    • Determining controlled and TRQ goods (permits and licenses);
    • Required documentation for importing or exporting;
    • Business number registration;
    • Planning or refunding GST/HST;
    • Bookkeeping and records in Canada;
    • Sale carriage and duty paid (DPP).